Even More Required Reading
Following up on the issues raised by the Richard Florida essay mentioned below, the NYT's David Brooks dissects the battle between the "aristocracy of the mind" and the "aristocracy of money" in a recent column.
Political scientists now find it useful to distinguish between professionals and managers. Professionals, mostly these knowledge workers, tend to vote for Democrats. Over the last four presidential elections professionals have supported the Democratic candidate by an average of 52 percent to 40, according to Ruy Teixeira and John Judis, authors of "The Emerging Democratic Majority."
Managers, who tend to work for corporations, brokerage houses, real estate firms and banks, tend to vote Republican. Thanks to their numbers, George Bush still won the overall college-educated vote.
This year the Democrats will nominate the perfect embodiment of an educated-class professional. John Kerry graduated from law school and plays classical guitar. President Bush, however, went to business school and drives a pickup around his ranch. So we can watch the conflict between these two rival elites play itself out in almost crystalline form.
At June 22, 2004 at 11:32:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Tribby sez, I do so love a Brooksian analyisis. May the BOBOS win over the Bozos.
At June 25, 2004 at 6:17:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
Tribby now sez: "Fahrenheit 911" is a "must see before it hits TV" movie. It occasions empathy on several scores. It certainly has some spin - what doesn't; however, it is loaded with "in context clips" (and some that may be out of context a slight bit) and thought provoking scenes of reality. It makes one laugh, cry, get angry and feel proud all in the same film. Not bad for a single movie. A montage with merit."
Any Bobo should be pleased to admit seeing it!
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