Middling Management
The more I think about yesterday's Idiotic Fuckhead Boss incident, the more enraged I get. I don't want to describe the particulars because it could compromise my anonymity, but basically the situation can be explained only one of three ways:
— I am a liar
— My boss has remarkably bad memory
— My boss is a liar
I am pretty sure that I'm not a liar, which means that my boss is either incredibly forgetful or he's a liar. Both possibilities are believable, knowing Idiotic Fuckhead Boss. Neither possibility is appealing. And my options are few: anything I do to address the issue either with Idiotic Fuckhead Boss or his superiors is sure to exacerbate the situation.
Now, I must make doubly sure that I document everything that happens at work, even though Idiotic Fuckhead Boss says it's inappropriate for his employees to keep paper trails. It makes him look bad, he says. Well, screw him. Why wouldn't I want to keep a record of what happens when I've got a boss who can't remember what he says — how delightfully convenient for him! — or who is a liar?
More importantly, I've got to redouble my efforts to find a new job. After all, the best way to deal with a lying, forgetful manager is to not have one in the first place.
At May 15, 2004 at 7:41:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
I think your boss is one of a set of triplets where I work.
Document everything, yes... and maybe use a videocamera. Nothing this moron does will be enough to get his superiors to admit they made a mistake in hiring him... upper management never makes mistakes! They'd rather sacrifice an entire department, or an entire division's morale than admit they made a mistake.
I know of a boss who ... places its body parts on employees to ... what? intimidate or turn them on? or maybe that's the only way it knows how to survive in the corporate world? Upper management knows about this clod, too, so don't presume they give a whit about what you're up against.
Don't you just love the dumbing-down of America? and isn't the corporate world a wonder to behold?
More than a paper trail, you need to get a co-worker to follow and back you up, and vice versa.
At May 16, 2004 at 2:29:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
You can keep a record ... but who will care to read it, beyond fellow persecuted and chafed co-workers and friends? I mean ... in the environment you describe, what manager will tackle or question a fellow manager's conduct? In other words, it's like a member of the Communist party going to Stalin with Kremlin bureaucratic grievances... Uh, not much smpathy to be got, I"m guessing.
At May 19, 2004 at 4:57:00 PM EDT,
Anonymous said…
allways document!
At May 20, 2004 at 11:36:00 AM EDT,
Anonymous said…
The reason IHBs have these recurring problems with memory and aversion to the truth is because as a herd they tend to dine on their own manure. Thus the toxicity levels in their wee brains tend toward the maximum with, as you've described, all manner of disturbing manifestations: hallucination, tourette's syndrome, a fascination with insignificant but shiny objects, odd body odor sometimes masked by large quantities of cheap cologne, extreme halitosis, dandruff and an extreme need to herd with its own in small stuffy rooms. An effective strategy in dealing with IHBs should they approach you during a period of extreme toxicity is to immediately divert them with a spread of manure and leave the area.
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