Two Monkeys, Ten Minutes

Ten thousand thundering typhoons!

Monday, March 29, 2004

Stupid America

I am amazed that an overwhelming number of people in the United States still continue to stand by President Bush and his White House winged monkeys. There's clear evidence that Bush:

-- lied about WMDs
-- didn't take terrorism threats seriously before 9/11,
-- is forcing his evangelical Christian beliefs upon our secular government system

I am starting to understand that we are two Americas: Informed America and Stupid America. It's the Stupid America that scares me -- an throng of people who so abhor change that they're willing to stand by their prejudices instead of striving toward truth and equality. Stupid America is taking our country backward by corrupting all of the things that make our nation great: freedom, liberty, civil rights and fairness for everyone. And they claim to do these things in the name of religion, or to protect children, or to protect families.

The American Taliban is alive and well, and it's as strong as Stupid America is ignorant. Let us hope that education, and the promise of a truly great America, can lead our country back to it its senses.


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