Two Monkeys, Ten Minutes

Ten thousand thundering typhoons!

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Judicial Bullshit

What's all this I hear about liberal activist judges? The only judges we seem to have in my home state are discriminatory hypocrites [cf], who seem content to wrap their biases in black robes.

Florida remains the only state in the union that bans gay men and lesbians from adopting children. Way to go, judges! Way to go, attorneys for the state! How pleased you must be to know that future generations will look back upon you with the same disgust that people today look back upon Bull Connor [cf] and George Wallace [cf]!

In their case, the state's lawyers (a) asserted that the state has a right to create laws reflecting its moral opposition to homosexuality, and (b) stated that the state aims only to place children with married heterosexual couples.

The state is, in fact, dead wrong on both counts. Anti-gay legislation like Florida's adoption ban will not survive a legal challenge, thanks to the Supreme Court's landmark Lawrence v. Texas decision last year. And the state negates its own argument about the need to limit adoption to heterosexual married couples on a regular basis: it allows gay men and lesbians to be foster parents, and it permits single straight people to adopt children.

I await the day when all of these hypocrites are put in their proper place, and when all of these roadblocks to equal rights are swept away by the hand of justice.

Yes, I know it may be a long wait. But it will be a sweet victory.


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