Two Monkeys, Ten Minutes

Ten thousand thundering typhoons!

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Another Reason To Hate Ohio, Besides The Buckeyes

Ohio legislators have just passed the nation's most descriminatory Defense of Marriage Act. Of course, all such laws are descriminatory, but what make's Ohio's so despiciable is that it even bans domestic partner benefits for employees of state agencies. Ha ha ha, Ohio lawmakers are saying, not only are we going to deny you equal rights, but we're also going to deny some of our hardworking employees equal benefits.

On behalf of gay men and lesbians everywhere, let me be the first to say: FUCK YOU, OHIO LEGISLATORS.

It turns out that Ohio's law might prevent the state from attracting and retaining top talent in its public universities [link]. The message here is pretty obvious: Ohio values the whims of the religious right over the needs of its higher education system.


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